Thu, 21 Mar
A Level Boolean Logic - Logic Gates, Boolean Logic and Karnaugh Maps
In this session we will start by exploring some creative approaches at KS3 and KS4 that support progression into KS5. You'll then be guided through a range of plugged and unplugged activities to creatively engage students looking at basic and complex gates. Led by Pete Marshman.
Time & Location
21 Mar 2024, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT
About the event
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086). Our volunteers provided fantastic events and training. To enable us to continue and extend our offer please consider providing a donation for this event. Alternatively, on the next page for this booking you will be able to request a £15 invoice to be sent to your school. Thank you.
If you are not providing a donation, please enter £0.00 in the ticket price.
Free ticket
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086) Our volunteers provide fantastic events and training. Please consider making a donation to digit<all> on our website www.digitall.charity
£0.00Sale endedDonation ticket
digit<all> is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (1198086) Our volunteers provided fantastic events and training. To enable us to continue and extend our offer please consider providing a donation for this event. Alternatively, on the next page for this booking you will be able to request a £15 invoice to be sent to your school. Thank you.
Pay what you wantSale ended