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Climate and Sustainability
Coding for Climate Action (KS1)
Pupils explore how technology can aid climate action. Using pre-coded micro:bits, they detect environmental changes - like shaking or rotating -to simulate tornadoes or earthquakes. If over 50% of micro:bits register a stimulus, a warning triggers across all devices.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Mitigating effects of natural hazards / climate action
Programming constructs developed: Input / Output
Subject knowledge developed: Networks and protocols / Hardware and software / Input, processing and output
Coding for Climate Action (KS2)
Pupils develop an early warning system, making use of micro:bit sensors to detect light, temperature or movement to represent a natural hazard such as an earthquake or wild file and design and develop an output warning message.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Mitigating effects of natural hazards / climate action
Programming constructs developed: Variables /
Sequence / Selection / Iteration / Logical expressions
Subject knowledge developed: Networks and protocols / Hardware and software
Coding for Climate Action (KS3)
Students code a micro:bit as an early warning system to predict floods, detecting acceleration as if on an ocean buoy and setting tolerances for significant movement. In pairs, they create early warning systems for other natural hazards, like earthquakes or wildfires, using radio transmission to send accessible warning messages.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block & MakeCode/MicroPython
Context: Mitigating effects of natural hazards / climate action
Programming constructs developed: Variables /
Sequence / Selection / Iteration / Logical expressions / Functions
Subject knowledge developed:
Networks and protocols / Input, processing and output / Data logging
Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays are a very important part of outer space. Their study becomes important because they can tell you a lot about space composition, plus their effect on the human body. Cosmic rays also impact physical computing equipment that monitors environmental conditions.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block & MakeCode/MicroPython
Context: Cosmic rays and sustainability
Programming constructs developed: Variables / Sequence / Logical expressions
Subject knowledge developed:
Networks and protocols, input, processing and output
Hedgehog Hackers (KS1)
Pupils embark on a hunt for hidden "hedgehogs" using two sets of pre-coded micro:bits: hedgehogs and foxes. The fox micro:bits help pupils locate the hidden hedgehogs, which squeak when a fox gets too close. In the second half, pupils use light and temperature-sensing micro:bits to identify the ideal location for a hedgehog house.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Nature
Programming constructs developed: Input / Output
Subject knowledge developed: Networks and protocols / Hardware and software / Input, processing and output
National Schools Birdwatch (KS2)
In pairs, pupils code micro:bits to transmit local bird species' frequencies between devices. They use tallies and data logging to record findings, exploring various inputs and sensors to expand species tracking. They enhance their solution with arrays and indexes for efficiency.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Nature
Programming constructs developed: Variables /
Data structures / Sequence / Selection / Iteration / Logical expressions / Functions
Subject knowledge developed: Networks and protocols / Input, processing and output
Space requirements: Learning space proximity to outdoor area or separate classroom / corridor / library etc.
The Noise Around Us
Pupils monitor noise pollution in two school areas, learning to log, analyse, and visualise data for decision-making. They assess current and potential habitats based on their findings, coding noise monitors with micro:bits and creating data visualisations in Canva. Their results guide the school on actions to improve these habitats.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Animal habitats and noise pollution
Programming constructs developed: Input, output, data logging, variables, sequence, repetition
Subject knowledge developed: Hardware and software / input, processing and outputs / digital literacy and visualisation
Space requirements: Learning space proximity to outdoor area or separate classroom / corridor / library etc.
Physical Activity
Tackle Coding (KS2)
Pupils code a micro:bit to track physical activity, including steps and acceleration. They log exercise data, analyse it with visualisations, and make predictions. Setting personal goals, pupils engage in activities to reach them, while exploring data's role in elite sports, especially women’s rugby.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Sport and Activity
Programming constructs developed: Variables /
Sequence / Selection / Iteration / Logical expressions
Subject knowledge developed: Input, processing and output / Data analysis
Space requirements: Open space for exercise such as a field, playground or hall.
Equipment requirements: Sports equipment such as cones, hoops, floor ladders, balls etc.
Pupils code a micro:bits to detect directional movement with the accelerometer, highlighting the need for steady movement in environments like the International Space Station. In teams, they build an obstacle course and challenge each other to complete it with minimal "lives" lost and within a set time. Pupils then rotate through activities from other groups, refining their solutions as they go.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Space and astronaut fitness
Programming constructs developed: Variables /
Sequence / Selection / Iteration / Logical expressions
Subject knowledge developed: Input, processing and output / Data analysis
Speed of Light (KS2)
Students learn why astronauts need to strengthen their muscles and heart. They code a micro:bits to track acceleration, prompting them to run and rest during a beep test. Their program beeps to signal runs between bases and provides rest cues. They extend their solution to log top scores, encouraging continuous improvement and fitness progress.
Programming environment: MakeCode / Block
Context: Space and astronaut fitness
Programming constructs developed: Variables /
Sequence / Selection / Iteration / Logical expressions
Subject knowledge developed: Input, processing and output / Data analysis
Space requirements: Open space for exercise such as a field, playground or hall.
Build an Astronaut Core (KS2)
Physical Activity
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